Science at Play - The Kira Institute
Starting from a scientific world view - we ask the question, what else is true
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Science at Play

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This workshop gets together people interested in brainstorming and developing ideas for writing plays related to science. These plays can be about science itself, or about scientists or particular scientific discoveries.


We're having a well
earned winter rest!

We'll be back in
February 2010.
We aim to produce short pieces that could be performed as "lunchtime theater” within Second Life, so plays are usually less than 30 minutes in length. In writing these plays we bear in mind, from the beginning, both the advantages and limitations of Second Life.

Science at Play is not meant to replace or compete with any other theater going on in Second Life! Rather, it's meant as another place where people who have an interest in plays and in science can explore and see what they can come up with creatively. This is especially suitable for budding playwrights, actors, stage technicians or producers who want to learn new skills or hone their existing skills. Most of all, however, this particular workshop is about having fun!

This workshop was started by Prospero Frobozz (Rob Knop in RL), a Research Assistant Professor at Vanderbilt University where previously he taught Physics and Astronomy.  In addition to his more serious science and technology interests Prospero has a passion for writing, directing, and acting in plays in Second Life. The workshop is now led by Storm Nordwind and Thinkerer Melville.

We have a mailing list on which we discuss ideas outside the weekly workshops. If you wish to apply, please include your SL name.

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