Ways of Knowing Workshop - The Kira Institute
Starting from a scientific world view - we ask the question, what else is true
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Ways of Knowing Workshop

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This workshop explores a wide range of topics centered on investigating various different ways of knowing, ranging from contemplative and ethical ways of approaching the world to scientific and artistic. Typically, we choose a topic to explore, as a group, and then investigate it for a number of weeks, using text source material as well as exercises intended to focus discussion and facilitate changes in participants' understanding.

The workshop evolved out of a previous workshop run by Stim Morane (Steven Tainer) that finished at the end of 2009*. Unlike many Kira workshops this workshop does not have a single leader; it continues as a group that comprises many who attended the workshop in its original form.  Several of us have studied contemplative traditions for many years, some with Stim Morane/Steven Tainer.

The contact persons and representatives of the workshop are Ataraxia Azemus, Calvino Rabeni, Gaya Ethaniel and Zen Arado. For transcripts of past meetings, please go to our Wiki.

* Steven Tainer was originally trained in academia as a philosopher of science and then became one of the first students of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy and practice in the West, earning an advanced degree from his original Tibetan teacher. Steven studied Eastern contemplative traditions intensively for forty years with many Tibetan, Chinese and Korean masters, and also served on the faculty of the Institute for World Religions and the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery since the mid-1990’s. He spent a number of years in mountain retreats, and also teaches long-term private groups. Working on behalf of his teachers, he wrote or edited many books on Buddhism and Taoism (including Dragon's Play, and Time, Space, Knowledge), and is the Editor of WoK (www.waysofknowing.net).

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